La pioggia delle Rose - My most beautiful, magical Roman event ever

Every year in the morning on the sunday of Pentecoste, a group of Roman firefighters climb up the roof of the Pantheon with huge bags filled with with seven million rose petals (= 2000 roses).

Then, at the end of the mass, they shower the crowd in this ancient temple turned church by throwing the petals down the world famous hole in the roof.

When I heard about this event, I knew I had to go there. And my intuition was right. It was one of the most beautful and moving things I have ever seen in my life.

The "inventor" of this magnificent performance was pope Bonifacio IV.  He had received the ancient temple of all gods as a gift from the emperor and had decided to turn it into a church dedicated to all martyrs. He consecrated the church the 13. mai of 609, Pentecoste, and he (or some smart ancient PR manager of his) had the brilliant idea to symbolize the tongues of fire that had come down form the heavens on the aposteles on Pentecoste by rose petals raining down from the "oculus" in the Pantheon.

Ever since this rituals has taken place every year. According to my research there had been  an undefined periode in the 20th century where it did not take place before it got started again in 1995.

So I took my bike and made it just in time to still enter the Pantheon. The mass starts at 10.30, but you better be there at 9 maybe even earlier. The entrance is closed when no more people fit in.

When the rose shower starts it looks like a pink fog is forming around the hole...

The atmosphere is wonderful. People are in awe and moved.

Standing in the rain of rose petals certainly took my breath away.

I was so carried away by this magical moment that the video I made, did not turn out very well and I guess no video can really capture the emotions of such an event.


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